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Stack Creator and Player
Converts a series of 2D images into a 3D stack and allows stacks to be played as a movie.
version:20221024, v2.0
D. R. G. Mitchell

Script to create a stack from a series of images and play it through like a movie. Select a folder containing the image series and a stack will be created. The front-most displayed stack can be stepped through frame, by frame. Alternatively, it can be played through forwards or backwards, with a predetermined delay between frames like a movie.

The movie playing occurs as a background thread. The dialog was updated to be compatible with GMS 3.x. This script used to be called 'Movie Creator and Player', but it has now been revised and renamed.

If you want to convert a stack into an actual movie file which can then be played in any video player, check out the tutorial here.

System Requirements
Should be compatible with all recent versions of DigitalMicrograph. Tested on GMS 2.32 and GMS 3.2.
Known Issues

When creating a stack from a series of saved images, ensure that the images are numbered or labelled in such a way to preserve their sequence in the stack. If numbering images, ensure that they are numbered with leading zeroes, eg 001, 002, 003 etc. If they are labelled 1,2 . . 10, 11 . . 20, 21 etc, the images will be stacked in the sequence 1, 10, 11 . . 2, 21, etc.

Included Files
Main script file.
Source Code

see attached script