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email: Dave Mitchell (in your email program remove the nospam from the address to make it work).
Currently transitioning to retirement - but available for short-term consulting, training etc.
B.Sc 1984 (Manchester); M.Sc 1986 (Manchester); Ph.D 1989 (Manchester); Grad. Dip. Bus. 2006 (Swinburne); FRMS.
2013-2023: Senior Resarch Fellow, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia. Managed the JEOL ARM200F aberration-corrected STEM at the Electron Microscopy Centre of the University of Wollongong.
2011-2013: Chief Electron Microscopist, Sasol R&D, Sasolburg, South Africa. During his time at Sasol he managed the fit-out and commissioning of a high-performance dedicated microscopy faciity designed to house a new TEM/STEM and two exisiting Zeiss SEMs. He commissioned and rolled out an FEI Osiris/ChemiSTEM instrument with a Tridiem GIF. He also made extensive use of the double corrected JEOL ARM200F at Nelson Mandella Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth.
2009-2011: TEM Manager and Acting Laboratory Manager, Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, University of Sydney, Australia. Dave managed the installation of three new TEMs and the restoration of a dedicated STEM. These included: JEOL 2200FS, JEOL 2100CR, JEOL 1400 and VG HB601UX respectively.
1993-2008: Electron Microscopist, Materials Division, ANSTO.
1992-1993: Postdoctoral Fellow, Materials Department, University of Leeds.
1990-1992: Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Materials, University of NSW.
1988-1990: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Salford.
See Dave's publication list in Google Scholar: Dave's Publications