I have been in the role of Senior Research Fellow at the EMC in the University of Wollongong for several years, and now completed the installation, commissioning and roll out of out the (probe) aberration corrected JEOL ARM200F TEM/STEM. This has a cold FEG and a QUANTUM GIF, and so EELS will be a major thrust of this instrument. It also features a large area EDS detector, so processing methods for x-ray maps, something which I started in South Africa, is high on the agenda. The microscope was commissioned in July 2014 and has been performing wonderfully.
As an aside, we can offer fully supported access to this microscope, with two expert operators available. Potential academic and commercial customers, both Australian and International, can access the instrument on a fee paying basis. In many cases, users simply send us their specimens, which is a lot less bother than getting on a plane and bringing them in person. If you are interested, please contact me via my University of Wollongong email address (remove the nospam).
Back to scripting: My to do list seems to have grown quite a lot recently:
Recently Completed:
Ellipse fitting analysis to analyse selected area diffraction patterns and correct elliptical distortion.
SITools - my most ambitious suite of scripts to date. Provide a complete set of functionality to enable processing and analysis of spectrum images, with no dependencies on Gatan plugins. This is aimed at assisting users who acquire spectrum image data at microscopy centres such as ours, but then have no way of processing their data back in their home institutes as they lack the relevant EELS/EDS and Spectrum Imaging Gatan plugins.
Tilt Scanning - an interesting tool which enables tlting and scanning of the beam. Capabilities include hollow cone and raster scanning. The latter of which is very effective at removing unwanted diffraction contrast from TEM and EFTEM images.
Currently under way:
File Name Creator - a utility for creating sophisticated file names using microscope, image and user-supplied parameters.
Automated diffraction tilting - the aim is to try and get to zone axes using automated tilting - bit of an adventure this one.
Some additional tools for DiffTools inlcuding whole pattern analysis.
HRTEM analysis tools.
There's a lot happening above, but if you have any interesting ideas - you are welcome to pitch them to me.