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Image Deshearer
Applies a linear shear to an image to remove the effects of drift.
version:20200110, v1.1
D. R. G. Mitchell

A very basic script which is designed to a apply a linear shear parallel to the image's horizontal axis. The user simply aligns an arrow with a (near) vertical column of atoms and reruns the script.The script then applies a shear to bring the arrow to vertical. This will remove the effects of drift. The option to crop the image to remove the added black space is provided.

Updated in v1.1 to fix a minor bug which added a line of black space at the bottom of the descheared image.

System Requirements
Tested on GMS 2.32, but should be compatible with GMS 3.
Known Issues

Can only remove a linear shear which is parallel to the image's horizontal axis. For more sophisticated treatment of image distortions see the Distortion Correction script.

Included Files
Source code.
Source Code

See attached script