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Flip and Save
Flips all currently open images about the selected axis and then saves them to the chosen directory.
version:20210128, v1.0
D. R. G. Mitchell
Thanks to Dr Ningyan Chen for suggesting and testing this script.

A user reported that images exported from the Velox software in the MRC format, and subsequently opened in DigitalMicrograph, were flipped about an axis, relative to the original. This script will flip all images, currently open in DigitalMicrograph, about the chosen axis - either horizontal or vertical. It will then save them in the chosen directory in .dm4 format.

Run the script with ALT held down to set which axis the images should be flipped about, and whether or not the images should be closed after saving.


System Requirements
Tested on GMS 2.32, but should be compatible with all versions.
Known Issues


Included Files
Main script.
Source Code

see attached script