Scripting Resources for DigitalMicrograph™ |
Example: Single Button Dialog |
Function |
An example script which shows the basic elements which go to make up a dialog. In this case the dialog has a single button which tells you when it has been pressed. |
Version |
version:20091003, v1.0 |
Author |
D. R. G. Mitchell |
Acknowledgements |
- |
Comments |
Just run the script. It does not need any images displayed. Note dialogs require a lot of extra code, so the effort for a simple script is significant. However, if your script needs lots of data inputs or prompts, then it is worth wrapping it up in a dialog. |
System Requirements |
Dialog scripts are only generally compatible with PC-based versions of DigitalMicrograph - GMS 1.6 and later. |
Known Issues |
- |
Supported |
Yes |
Included Files |
Single script file. |
Source Code
// the class createbuttondialog is of the type user interface frame, and responds to interaction // with the dialog // version20091003, v1.0 // D. R. G. Mitchell, Oct 2009 // (remove the nospam to make this email address work)
class CreateButtonDialog : uiframe { void buttonresponse(object self) { //this is the response when the button is pressed
Beep() okdialog("You pressed my button!") return } } // this function creates a button taggroup which returns the taggroup 'box' which is added to
taggroup MakeButton()
// Creates a box in the dialog which surrounds the button taggroup box_items taggroup box=dlgcreatebox(" Parameters ", box_items) box.dlgexternalpadding(5,5) box.dlginternalpadding(25,25)
// Creates the button TagGroup ExampleButton = DLGCreatePushButton("Push Me", "buttonresponse") examplebutton.dlgexternalpadding(5,0) box_items.dlgaddelement(examplebutton) return box } // This function creates the dialog, drawing togther the parts (buttons etc) which make it up // and alloc 'ing' the dialog with the response, so that one responds to the other. It also
// displays the dialog
void CreateDialogExample() { // Configure the positioning in the top right of the application window TagGroup position; position = DLGBuildPositionFromApplication() position.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup( "Width", DLGBuildAutoSize() ) position.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup( "Height", DLGBuildAutoSize() ) position.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup( "X", DLGBuildRelativePosition( "Inside", 1 ) ) position.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup( "Y", DLGBuildRelativePosition( "Inside", 1 ) )
TagGroup dialog_items; TagGroup dialog = DLGCreateDialog("Example Dialog", dialog_items).dlgposition(position);
dialog_items.dlgaddelement( MakeButton() ); object dialog_frame = alloc(CreateButtonDialog).init(dialog) dialog_frame.display("Dialog Template"); } // calls the above function which puts it all together createdialogexample() |