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Example: LinePlotImageDisplay Manipulation
An example script which shows how to manipulate lineplots. This script includes adding/deleting, hiding, selecting, scaling, offsetting, renaming, labelling, adding an ROI and cursor.
version:20111123, v1.0
D. R. G. Mitchell
System Requirements
Tested on GMS 1.8x and 2.x.
Known Issues
Displacing profiles horizontally and vertically is demonstrated by removing the slice, carrying out image maths then adding the slice back to the plot. This works, but there is a more elegant method using the internal co-ordinate system of the LinePlotImageDisplay object. Bernhard Schaffer has written an excellent tutorial on this rather complicated topic. This script provides a pointer to Bernhard's tutorial ( scroll down to tutorials: 'Slices in a LinePlot Display'.
Included Files
Main script file.
Source Code

// Example script to show the implementation of commands to work

// with line plots.


// D. R. G. Mitchell, (remove the nospam)

// version:20111123, v1.0, November 2011


// create two intensity profiles (two sine waves with an offset

// between them


okdialog("Displaying an intensity profile")


image sine=realimage("",4,360,1)



// display the first image



setwindowposition(sine, 142,24)

setname(sine, "A sine wave")



// Now turning on the legend and setting the name


okdialog("Now turning on the ledend display and setting the name to 'Sine'")


// Get the image display of the first profile

// Note lineplotimagedisplay is a subset of imagedisplay

// The imagedisplay object (imgdisp in this script) works with both imagedisplay commands

// and lineplotimagedisplaycommands.


imagedisplay imgdisp=sine.imagegetimagedisplay(0)


// Turn on the legend and name the slice 'Sine'



object sliceid=imgdisp.imagedisplaygetsliceidbyindex(0)

imgdisp.imagedisplaysetslicelabelbyid(sliceid, "Sine")



// Add a cursor and position it at the first minmum


okdialog("Adding a cursor and positioning it")

imgdisp.lineplotimagedisplaysetcursorstate(sliceid, 90, 1) // 30 is the cursor channel position and 1 is on



// now add a second intensity profile

okdialog("Adding a second intensity profile")


// Create the second intensity profile


image sine2=imageclone(sine)



// Add the second profile to it


imgdisp.imagedisplayaddimage(sine2, "Sine 2")



// Change the colour of the added slice - note the first slice is index 0, the 2nd is index 1 etc


okdialog("Changing the colours.")



// 1=2nd slice, 0=component number =line, 0,0,1= RGB (blue)


// Change the colour of the fill (component=1) to red


// 1=2nd slice, 0=component number =line, 1,0,0= RGB (red)


// Change the fill of the first plot from fill to line


okdialog("Changing the first plot from fill to line") // (0=no plot, 1=line, 2=fill)


imgdisp.lineplotimagedisplaysetslicecomponentcolor(1,0,1,0,0) //

// in the above expression (1st number is slice index 0=1st, 1=2nd etc); next number is is component 0=line, 1=fill; next three numbers

are RGB (1,0,0=Red)



// Turn off the background


okdialog("Turn off the grid")



// Delete the second plot


okdialog("Deleting the second plot")

object sliceid2=imgdisp.imagedisplaygetsliceidbyindex(1) // 1 is the index of the 2nd slice (0 is the first)



// Calibrate the image in radians

okdialog("Adding scaling and axis labels")

number xsize, ysize

getsize(sine, xsize, ysize)


number xscaling=1/(xsize/(2*pi())) //the scale in radians per pixel


sine.imagesetdimensionunitstring(0,"Angle / radians")

sine.imagesetintensityunitstring("Arbitrary Intensity")



// Add a region of interest


okdialog("Adding a region of interest")

roi temproi=createroi()

temproi.roisetrange(180,270) // these are the channel numbers - left and right




// Note the examples below show how to move the plot horizontally and scale it vertically. However, this is

// done by deleting the plot, scaling the original plot data to suit and then adding this modified

// data back to the plot. This works, but there are more elegant, albeit much more complex

// ways of achievimg this - see the end of the script.



// Add the second plot back first as itself, then again but this time offset by 90 channels


okdialog("Adding a second copy with a 90 pixel offset")


imgdisp.imagedisplayaddimage(sine2, "Sine2")

imgdisp.lineplotimagedisplaysetslicecomponentcolor(1,0,0,0,1) // make the line blue


// Note this variable was defined earlier. however, the slice was subsequently deleted. When it was

// added again to the image, the sliceid will change, hence the need to re-source it.


// Add a second copy of the second profile with a 90 pixel offset

image sineoffset=exprsize(xsize, ysize)// set this to the dimension of the second plot

sineoffset=offset(sine2,-90,0) // create a copy of the sine2 image offset by 90 channels


sineoffset[0,0,1,90]=0 // makes the leading edge of the offset spectrum 0

imgdisp.imagedisplayaddimage(sineoffset, "Offset")

imgdisp.lineplotimagedisplaysetslicecomponentcolor(2,1,0,1,1) // make the line blur



// Set the displayed range to match the range of available data


okdialog("Changing the range of displayed data")

imgdisp.lineplotimagedisplaysetdisplayedchannels(90,360) // left origin set to 90 pixels, right axis limit set to 360


// Change the vertical scaling. Note if the autosurvey option in on (right click on the image and

// select imagedisplay to check this option) it will override and vertical scaling you make. So always

// turn autosurvey off before setting the vertical limits


imgdisp.lineplotimagedisplaysetdoautosurvey(0,0)// turns off autosurvey for both low and high limits

imgdisp.lineplotimagedisplaysetcontrastlimits(-2, 1.2)



// Change the vertical scaling of the second plot


okdialog("Change the vertical position of the sine2 plot")

// Delete the image



// Scale downward by 0.5


// having 0.5 added to them


// add it back to the image


imgdisp.imagedisplayaddimage(sine2, "Sine2") // note it is now the third slice

// DM will automatically assign the above slice a colour to it must be set back to blue





// Hide a plot temporarily


okdialog("Going to hide the Sine2 plot temporarily")



delay(90) // 1.5s delay




// Select each of the spectra in turn

okdialog("Select each plot in turn - see the legend bar")


number i, noslices


for(i=0; i<noslices; i++)


object sliceid=imgdisp.imagedisplaygetsliceidbyindex(i)








// Add all three plots together and display the result


okdialog("Adding the three plots together")


image sumimg=sine+sine2+sineoffset

imgdisp.imagedisplayaddimage(sumimg, "Sum Image")

object sliceid3=imgdisp.imagedisplaygetsliceidbyindex(3) // fourth image we have added to the display

imgdisp.lineplotimagedisplaysetslicedrawingstyle(sliceid3, 3) //(3=fill)




// For an excellent demonstration on how to scale lineplot horizontally and vertically

// see Bernhard Schaffer's tutorial on the front page of the DM Script Database at:




//scroll down to tutorials / Slices in Lineplot Display (by Bernhard Schaffer)


okdialog("For an excellent demonstration on how to scale lineplots horizontally and vertically\n"\

+"see Bernhard Schaffer's tutorial on the front page of the DM Script Database at:\n"\


+"scroll down to tutorials / Slices in Lineplot Display (by Bernhard Schaffer)")