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Example: FFT Manipulation
Demonstrates various FFT processes, such as Butterworth filtering and computing the inverse FFT, phase, power spectrum etc.
version:20070216, v1.0
D. R. G. Mitchell
Thanks to Bernhard Schaffer and Kazuo Ishizuka for tips on using these commands.
To play with this script have an image shown which contains periodic information - such as a HRTEM.
System Requirements
Should be compatible with all recent versions of DigitalMicrograph.
Known Issues
The image must be 2^n x 2^n in dimension eg 256 x 256, 512 x 512 etc.
Included Files
Main script file.
Source Code

// Some example functions which show how to do FFT/IFFT manipulations

// Please use/develop/expand and correct these examples at will.


// D. R. G. Mitchell, (remove the nospam to make this email address work)

// v1.0, February 2007

// version:20070216

// Thanks to Bernhard Schaffer and Kazuo Ishizuka for advice and assistance


// To use this script, have an image with periodic information in it foremost. Something like a HRTEM image will

// do fine. The image must be square and have dimensions an integral power of 2 eg 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024 etc.



// The script shows how to :


// Calculate the FFT of an image

// Calculate the inverse FFT of an FFT

// Create a Butterworth filter to use for high frequency filtering

// Apply the Butterworth filter to a FFT

// Carry out the inverse FFT of the above to show the effect of filtering

// Extract the real component of a complex image

// Extract the imaginary component of a complex image

// Compute the magnitude component of the FFT

// Compute the Phase component of the FFT - don't stare at it too long

// Compute the Power Spectrum of an image.




// Some functions:



// This function tests the passed in image to make sure it is the right data type, is square and is of dimension 2n x 2n


void testfftcompatibility(image frontimage)


number xsize, ysize, imagetype, modlog2value

getsize(frontimage, xsize, ysize)


// Get the datatype of the image



// Trap for complex or RGB images - these are not compatible with FFTing

if(imagetype==3 ||imagetype==13 || imagetype==23) // 3=packed complex, 13=complex 16, 23=RGB


showalert("The foremost image must be of type Integer or Real!",0)




// Checks to make sure that the image dimensions are an integral power of 2

modlog2value=mod(log2(xsize), 1)


if (xsize!=ysize || modlog2value!=0)


showalert("Image dimensions must be an integral power of 2 for FFT!",0)







// This function carried out the forward FFT. The function used (realFFT()) requires a real image

// so a clone of the passed in image is created and converted to a real image


image forwardfft(realimage frontimage)



// Get some info on the passed in image

number xsize, ysize, imagetype

string imgname=getname(frontimage)

getsize(frontimage, xsize, ysize)


// create a complex image of the correct size to store the result of the FFT

compleximage fftimage=compleximage("",8,xsize, ysize)


// Clone the passed in image and convert it to type real (required for realFFT())

image tempimage=imageclone(frontimage)





return fftimage





// The Butterworth Filter Function - this creates a filter which can be applied to a FFT

// to exclude the high frequency component - ie remove noise.


image butterworthfilter(number imgsize, number bworthorder, number zeroradius)


// See John Russ's Image Processing Handbook, 2nd Edn, p 316

image butterworthimg=realimage("",4,imgsize, imgsize)



// note the halfpointconst value sets the value of the filter at the halfway point

// ie where the radius = zeroradius. A value of 0.414 sets this value to 0.5

// a value of 1 sets this point to root(2)


number halfpointconst=0.414


return butterworthimg





// Function to carry out image processing on the FFT and return the result

// The passed in images are the original HRTEM image and a Butterworth filter to remove the high frequency component

// Note if the Butterworth image is inverted then the low frequency component is filtered and the high frequencies are retained.

// Be aware if the central region of the FFT is removed by a mask, then weird things will happed to

// the resulting inverse image. It is better to leave a pinhole in the mask to allow the very lowest

// frequencies through. This pinhole should have a gradual edge to avoid ringing. An example of this is

// shown in my HRTEM Filter script on this database.


image FFTfiltering(image frontimage, image butterworthimg)


number xsize, ysize

getsize(frontimage, xsize, ysize)

// Compute the FFT of passed in image, then mulitply it by the Butterworth filter image

compleximage fftimage=forwardfft(frontimage)

compleximage maskedfft=fftimage*butterworthimg

return maskedfft






// Main program starts here



// Check to make sure an image is shown


number nodocs




showalert("There are no images displayed!",0)





// Get the foremost image and some data from it


image front:=getfrontimage()

number xsize, ysize

getsize(front, xsize, ysize)



// Position the foremost image


setwindowposition(front, 142, 24)


string imgname=getname(front)



// Check to make sure the image is compatible with FFT





// Carry out the forward FFT


image fftimage=forwardfft(front)


// packed complex images are Hermitian - see DM help for details

// Creating packed complex FFTs enables use of the packedIFFT() function - see below

// which will return a real image from a FFT. Use of the IFFT() function returns a complex image

// and if used, the converttopackedcomplex() line below should be omitted.




setname(fftimage, "FFT of "+imgname)


setwindowposition(fftimage, 172,54)



// Do the inverse FFT - there is an alternative function - IFFT(). However,

// this requires a complex, rather than packed complex, image as its argument

// and returns the original image as a complex image rather than a real image.


image inversefftimg=packedIFFT(fftimage)


setname(inversefftimg, "Inverse FFT of "+imgname)

setwindowposition(inversefftimg, 202, 84)



// Carry out filtering by masking out parts of the FFT then doing the inverse

// In this case a Butterworth filter is used. This selects the low frequency

// part of the FFT and filters out the high frequency stuff - removing noise.

// The Butterworth filter, has a value of 1 in the central region, then rolls off to a value

// of zero near the edge of the FFT. Graduated filters like this are essential in FFT filtering

// If sharp cut offs are used, 'ringing' artefacts may appear in the inverse FFT. Changing the

// values of Butterworth order (currently=3) and zero radius (currently = xsize/5) will change

// the slope of the roll off and the radius at which the filter's value drops to half respectively.


image butterworthimage=butterworthfilter(xsize, 3, xsize/5)


setname(butterworthimage, "Butterworth Filter")

setwindowposition(butterworthimage, 232, 114)



// Apply the Butterworth filter image to the orignal front image

// and show the resulting masked FFT of the frontimage


compleximage maskimage=fftfiltering(front, butterworthimage)



setname(maskimage, "Butterworth Masked FFT of "+imgname)

setwindowposition(maskimage, 262, 144)



// Do the inverse FFT on the masked FFT to illustrate the effect of removing the high frequency component


image invfilteredimg=packedIFFT(maskimage)


setname(invfilteredimg, "Butterworth Filtered "+imgname)

setwindowposition(invfilteredimg, 292, 174)



// FFTs are complex images containing a real and an imaginary part. FFTs contain two components - magnitude and phase.

// The magnitude component is usually displayed as a power spectrum. This shows the relative magnitudes of the frequencies

// contributing to the image. The FFT you see in Digital Micrograph is actually the absolute value of the magnitude. The code below

// shows how to access the real and imaginary parts of a complex image and compute the magnitude, phase and power spectrum

// Note the phase image does not impart any intuitive information - unless you are into psychedelic drugs.


// The magnitude of a FFT = sqt (real component**2 + imaginary component**2)

// The phase of a FFT = atan2(real component / imaginary component)

// The Power Spectrum of a FFT = magnitude**2


// Extract and display the real part of the complex image (FFT)

image realimg=real(fftimage)


setwindowposition(realimg, 322,204)

setname(realimg, "Real part of FFT of "+imgname)


// Extract and display the real part of the complex image (FFT)

image imagimg=imaginary(fftimage)


setwindowposition(imagimg, 352,234)

setname(imagimg, "Imaginary part of FFT of "+imgname)


// Compute the magnitude image

image magimg=sqrt(real(fftimage)**2+imaginary(fftimage)**2)


setwindowposition(magimg, 382, 264)

setname(magimg, "Magnitude of FFT of "+imgname)


// Compute the phase image

image phaseimg=atan(real(fftimage)/imaginary(fftimage))

showimage (phaseimg)

setwindowposition(phaseimg, 412, 294)

setname(phaseimg, "Phase of FFT of "+imgname)


// Compute the Power Spectrum image

image psimg=magimg**2


setwindowposition(psimg, 442, 324)

setname(psimg, "Power Spectrum of "+imgname)