Scripting Resources for DigitalMicrograph™ |
Example: Creating Hard Code from a Text File |
Function |
Reads in numbers from a text file and outputs them into the Results window as lines of code which can be pasted into a script to create equivalent settings in the Global Info. |
Version |
version:20100611, v1.0 |
Author |
D. R. G. Mitchell |
Acknowledgements |
Comments |
The data text file should contain one number per line, delimited by carriage returns. It can be created with NotePad or similar and should be a .txt file. Clear the Results window before running this script. If the code output in the Results window is pasted into a script and run, the numbers will be added to the Global Info as 'Temporary Tag:Data Point 1:XXX' etc, where XXX is the first value in the text file. This is useful for creating default data sets such as listings of d-spacings, scattering factors etc. For very long listings of data (>50 points), this approach will lead to code bloat. Consider creating a standalone settings file and adding the data to the Global Info from that (see the script 'Example Reading Data From a Text File and Creating a Settings File'). |
System Requirements |
Should be compatible with all recent versions of DigitalMicrograph. |
Known Issues |
Supported |
Yes |
Included Files |
Main script file. |
Source Code |
// Example script to show how to read from a text file. The text file is simply a file // created in a simple text editor or a script window, where each line is delimited // by a carriage return. The script will expect numbers rather than text. // Create a simple text file with several lines of numbers. // Save the text file to the hard disk then open it with this script.
// version:20100611, v1.0 // D. R. G. Mitchell, v1.0, June 2010 // (remove the nospam to make this work)
// It is necessary to open a file for reading (openfileforreading()) to read from it. // It must also be closed at the conclusion of reading, otherwise // it will not be released to other attempts to do anything with it. // The Try/Catch routine should ensure that it is closed after any // error. The readfileline() function will read the file line by line and return // 1 for every line it reads successfully. It will return 0 at the // end of the file and this is used to detect the end of file. For more information // search for 'File Input and Output' in DM's online help.
// In this example, the data are read in from a text file and are written to the results window in the format // of lines of script code. The code is designed to create the relevant tags in the Global Info. // A check is made to see if the tag already exists - it is only created if it does not already exist. // This code can then simply be cut and pasted from the results window into the script, complete with the newly added data. // Clear the results window before running this script.
// This method is useful for small volumes of data (eg <50 points) where it is appropriate to create a self-contained // script which has the data hard coded into statements which create the tags ie the // script creates its own settings in the Global Info, rather than accessing data // either installed manually at installation or by an installer script.
// Where large libraries of data need to be accessed, hard coding in this manner results in code bloat. Here // it is more appropriate to create a standalone settings file, and load that into the Global Info when the script // is installed.
// variables
string path number filereference string thisline number counter=1 number spacing result("\n\n\n")
// Select the file
showalert("Open a text file containing numerical data - carriage return delimited",2) if(!opendialog(path)) exit(0) documentwindow reswin=getresultswindow(0)
// Try/Catch to open the file for reading but close it in case of error. try { filereference=openfileforreading(path) number readok=1
// While ever the end of file has not been reached (readok=0) read the next line // and output it to the results
while(readok==1) { readok=readfileline(filereference, thisline) if(val(thisline)!=0) { // Create the lines of code in the Results window
result("\nif(!getpersistentnumbernote(\"Temporary Tag:Data Point "+counter+"\",spacing))") result("\n\t{") result("\n\t\tsetpersistentnumbernote(\"Temporary Tag:Data Point "+counter+"\","+val(thisline)+")") result("\n\t}"+"\n\n") counter=counter+1 } } } catch // there was an error - close the file { closefile(filereference) showalert("Sorry there was an error",2) exit(0) }
// The file read has concluded, close the file for reading.
closefile(filereference) reswin.windowselect()