Scripting Resources for DigitalMicrograph™ |
Cross correlate ROI with image |
Function |
Takes an image area defined by a region of interest (ROI) and cross correlates it with the whole image. |
Version |
version:20160611, v1.1 |
Author |
D. R. G. Mitchell |
Acknowledgements |
Comments |
Use this image to find the motif within the ROI elsewhere within the image. The script creates a threshold and coloured cross correlation image. If the source image is a high resolution lattice image, such things as defects may be more apparent within the resulting cross correlation. The application of a temperature colour table and thresholding to remove all negative values can be controlled by setting flags within the script. This script contains a function which creates a temperature colour lookup table, which is very useful at highlighting subtle variations in intensity - often barely visible in the corresponding grey scale image. For information on now to apply alternative colour lookup tables (CLUTs) to images, see the script Apply CLUT. |
System Requirements |
Tested on GMS 2.x but should be compatible with all versions of GMS - see the Known Issues below. |
Known Issues |
GMS 2 includes the ability to do fast Fourier transforms on non-square/power of 2 sized images. Here there is also no requirement for the ROI to be square/power of 2 in size. However, if you are using this script on GMS 1.x, both the image and the ROI will have to be of that form, otherwise the script will report an error. |
Supported |
Yes |
Included Files |
Source code |
Source Code |
// Cross correlate ROI with image
// Takes a region of interest in an image and uses it as a motif to look for similar regions in the rest // of the image, using cross correlation. For versions of GMS prior to 2, the image will need to be square // and a power of 2 in size (eg 1024 x 1024). For later versions of GMS the image can be any shape.
// A small (10-20% of the image size) region of interest must be present on the front-most image. // This can be any size shape, but the final motif image will be a circular region from within that ROI. // The radius of the circular region is the minimum of the half the smallest side length of the ROI. // The motif image excises the ROI, offsets it to be centred and applies a Butterworth filter to // it so that the edges of the ROI are feathered down to zero to eliminate sharp edge artefacts. // This feathered motif image is then cross correlated with the original // image. Regions which appear bright are where the structure in the motif and the image correlate // strongly. This may be useful for finding defects or distorted regions of lattice images etc.
// D. R. G. Mitchell, (remove the nospam to make this address work) // version:20160611, v1.1, June 2016,
// Function to create a Temperature colour lookup table (CLUT)
image CreateTemperatureCLut() { image customclut=rgbimage("", 4,256,1)
customclut=tert(icol<51, rgb(0,0,((icol/51)*255)),customclut) // black to blue rgb (0,0,0) -> rgb(0,0,1) customclut=tert(icol>=51 && icol<102, rgb(0, (((icol-51)/51)*255), 255-(((icol-51)/51)*255)), customclut) // blue to green customclut=tert(icol>=102 && icol<153, rgb(((icol-102)/51)*255, (255-(((icol-102)/51)*255)), 0), customclut) // green to red customclut=tert(icol>=153 && icol<204, rgb(255, (((icol-153)/51)*255),0), customclut) // red to yellow customclut=tert(icol>=204 && icol<=255, rgb(255,255,(((icol-204)/51)*255)), customclut) // yellow to white return customclut }
// Function to create a butterworth filter. Imgxsize and imgysize are the sizes of the filter image // bworthorder is a numerical value (1-6 is good), which defines the rate at which the edge of the filter // decays to zero. Low values give shallow slopes. zeroradius specifies the radius of the filter.
image butterworthfilter(number imgxsize, number imgysize, number bworthorder, number zeroradius) { // See John Russ's Image Processing Handbook, 2nd Edn, p 31
image butterworthimg=realimage("",4,imgxsize, imgysize) butterworthimg=0
// note the halfpointconst value sets the value of the filter at the halfway point // ie where the radius = zeroradius. A value of 0.414 sets this value to 0.5 // a value of 1 sets this point to root(2)
number halfpointconst=0.414 butterworthimg=1/(1+halfpointconst*(iradius/zeroradius)**(2*bworthorder)) return butterworthimg }
// Main program starts here
// These two flags set the behaviour of the script
number clipnegativevalues =1 // Set this to 0 (no) or 1 (yes) to clip out all negative values from the final image number applyclut=1 // set this to 0 (no) or 1 (yes) to apply a colour lookup table to the final image
// Source the frontimage
number nodocs=countdocumentwindowsoftype(5) if(nodocs<1) { showalert("Ensure an image with a small region of interest (ROI) is displayed.",2) exit(0) } image front:=getfrontimage()
// Check that an ROI is present on the image
imagedisplay frontdisp=front.imagegetimagedisplay(0) number norois=frontdisp.imagedisplaycountrois() if(norois<1) { showalert("Ensure a square ROI defines a region of typical structure.",2) exit(0) } image roi:=getfrontimage()[]
// Get some information on the ROI
roi theroi=frontdisp.imagedisplaygetroi(0) number roit, roil, roib, roir theroi.roigetrectangle(roit, roil, roib, roir) number roicntrx=((roir-roil)/2)+roil number roicntry=((roib-roit)/2)+roit
number imgx, imgy, roix, roiy getsize(front, imgx, imgy) getsize(roi, roix, roiy)
number imgcntrx=imgx/2 number imgcntry=imgy/2
// Move the ROI to the centre of an otherwise empty image
number offsetx=roicntrx-imgcntrx number offsety=roicntry-imgcntry image markup=imageclone(front)*0 markup=offset(front, offsetx, offsety)
number minoffset, maxoffset minmax(markup, minoffset, maxoffset) markup=(markup-minoffset)/(maxoffset-minoffset)
// Create a butterworth mask for the above image
number butterworthorder=3 // values between 1 and 6 are sensible. 1 produces a very gentle slope to the // feathering at the edge of the butterworth filter. 3 is a fairly steep roll off and 6 is a very abrupt edge
number roixradius=(roir-roil)/2 number roiyradius=(roib-roit)/2 number zeroradius=min(roixradius, roiyradius) image bwfilter=butterworthfilter(imgx, imgy, butterworthorder, zeroradius)
// Create a motif image and cross correlate it with the original image
image motif=bwfilter*markup
image frontscale=imageclone(front) number frontmin, frontmax minmax(frontscale, frontmin, frontmax) frontscale=(frontscale-frontmin)/(frontmax-frontmin) image crosscorr=crosscorrelate(motif, frontscale)
string imgname=getname(front) setname(crosscorr, "Cross Correlation of "+imgname)
imagecopycalibrationfrom(crosscorr, front) taggroup fronttags=front.imagegettaggroup() taggroup cctags=crosscorr.imagegettaggroup() taggroupcopytagsfrom(cctags, fronttags)
// Rotate the image and display in temperature colour
crosscorr=rotate(crosscorr, pi()) // the cross correlation is rotated with respect to the original if(clipnegativevalues!=0) crosscorr=tert(crosscorr<0,0,crosscorr) // clip out negatives if the flag is set to 1 // set at the start of the main script
showimage(crosscorr) imagedisplay ccdisp=crosscorr.imagegetimagedisplay(0) image clut=CreateTemperatureCLut() if(applyclut!=0) ccdisp.imagedisplaysetinputcolortable(clut) // colour the image if the flag has been set to 1 // at the start of the program