Scripting Resources for DigitalMicrograph™ |
Create Image from ROI |
Function |
Creates a new image from a region of interest on the foremost image. |
Version |
version:20090531, v1.2 |
Author |
D. R. G. Mitchell |
Acknowledgements |
Comments |
Requires an image with an ROI to be foremost. The size of the new image is reported. |
System Requirements |
Should be compatible with all recent versions of DigitalMicrograph. |
Known Issues |
Supported |
Yes |
Included Files |
Main script file. |
Source Code |
// Script to cut out the ROI in the foremost image and // create a new image from it.
// D. R. G. Mitchell, (remove the nospam to make this email address work) // version:20090531 // v1.2
// variables
number sizex, sizey, scalex, scaley number top, left, bottom, right number roipixwidth, roiunitwidth, roipixheight, roiunitheight string unitstring, imgname
// Get info from foremost image
image front:=getfrontimage() getsize(front, sizex, sizey) getscale(front, scalex, scaley) getunitstring(front, unitstring) getname(front, imgname)
// Check for presence of ROI - error if absent
imagedisplay imgdisp=front.imagegetimagedisplay(0) number roinumber=imgdisp.imagedisplaycountrois()
if(roinumber!=1) { beep() okdialog("A rectangular Region Of Interest (ROI) must be present for this script to work!") exit(0) }
// Get ROI parameters
roi theroi=imgdisp.imagedisplaygetroi(0) roigetrectangle(theroi, top, left, bottom, right)
roipixwidth=right-left roiunitwidth=roipixwidth*scalex roipixheight=bottom-top roiunitheight=roipixheight*scaley
// Give info on the ROI being used
okdialog("Region selected for extraction is : \n"+roipixwidth+" pixels wide ("+roiunitwidth+" "+unitstring+")\n"+roipixheight+" pixels high ("+roiunitheight+" "+unitstring+")\nTop left corner is at x = "+left+" y = "+top)
// Copy the selected region and create a new image
image cropped=front[] showimage(cropped)
// Calibrate and name the new image imagecopycalibrationfrom(cropped, front) imagedisplay cropdisp=cropped.imagegetimagedisplay(0) cropdisp.applydatabar() number substringlength=len(imgname) if(substringlength>9) substringlength=9 string shortname=left(imgname, substringlength)+" Extracted ROI" setname(cropped, shortname) |